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The Fair Winds Collective_PeggyMerkur_edited.jpg

Our vision

  • The maritime transport sector should contribute to the EU’s climate ambitions in becoming the world's first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Our vision is to facilitate the shift in maritime transport and to contribute to a low impact, sustainable and desirable society. Next to the initiatives at sea, our aim is also to show that inland transport under sail is also possible.

  • We are preparing to present the Fair Winds Collective in 2025 at Sail Amsterdam and participate during the festival with events, seminars and markets.

About us

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Peggy Engelmann

Co-Founder & Representive

Meets you and pushes ideas and projects forward. Time effective and focused.

Peggy manages solution orientated projects since 2015, develops sustainable based education programs and does International Social Media work. Educated as officer for sailing vessels, she is an apprentice mate for traditional sailing vessels.

Nitya Zysset

Co-Founder & Representive

Her key and focus is communication and welcoming questioning culture.

Nitya is driven by the energy to contribute to a joyful society connected to the living. Sailor, environmental consultant, apprentice mate on sailing vessels, architect, Nitya combines her varied passions, talents and skills to co-create projects for a luminous present and future.

Cosmo Wassenaar

Co-Founder & Representive

Driven by creating a better future for the upcoming generation in the sailing world.

With a background as captain on sailing vessels and in maritime education, he now manages the Enkhuizen Nautical College. Sustainability in combination with wind propulsion are key drivers in both his professional and personal life.

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